Aerial Mapping/Photogrammetry

Aerial Mapping/Photogrammetry

Aerial mapping and photogrammetry are used in a variety of applications. Aerial photogrammetry can be used to create topographical maps, which are used by engineers to evaluate sites for construction on a step-by-step basis and produce images of previews or project results for clients. It also allows them to analyze their current progress by creating 3D renderings. Aerial mapping and photogrammetry are technologies that are used to create maps and 3D models. 

Aerial mapping involves capturing images of the earth’s surface from an elevated position, usually from an aircraft or drone. Photogrammetry is the science of obtaining reliable measurements from photographs and digital imagery. Aerial photogrammetry is used to create topographical maps. These maps may be either 2D or, more recently, 3D computer models of terrain. Aerial photogrammetry allows engineers to accurately evaluate sites for construction on a step-by-step basis and produce images of previews or project results for clients. It also allows them to analyze their current progress by creating 3D renderings that preview results.



